Monday, November 9, 2015

Facts about the Kaaba Concealed Big World

Facts about the Kaaba Concealed Big World

Kaba is a mecca for Muslims to determine the direction they bow. Kaba is also used by many people for  a  pilgrimage.
But do you know that actually the fact that the Kaaba has a large and disembunyaikan from the eyes of the world? Here are facts about the Kaaba unique and great hidden from the world  that you may not know.
Facts about the Kaaba Concealed Big World
Photo Kaaba in Mecca
1. The Kaaba is the center of the earth

Prof. Hussein Kamel was the one who proved that the Earth is in the center or at the Kaaba in Mecca. It began when Prof. Hussein made ​​to do a research  on the earth , from  the research  in g amber is  a circle  which  are a form of longitudinal side of the circle after carefully measured and then taken the center line of earth center didapatlah a reality lies at the Kaaba or Mecca, a fact  which strengthens the case  for this  is  with satellite photos that appear in  the  90s.   In  the photo are visible all the continents of the earth seems to show that tend to  the direction of Mecca, on the other side of the  building is also arranged  so neatly on the island of Arab countries Saudi.

2. Mecca or Greenwich?

Bersadarkan consideration that Mecca is the center of the earth, it is at the heated debate over the last 4 decades, there is a man who claimed that Mecca is the center of the time around the world because it is located in the center of the earth, there is also the opinion that Mecca is not the center of time, but Greenwichlah which is the center of time.

But clearly not passed by line Mecca GMT, because Mecca is zero squares so it is not passed by the Greenwich line that starts from the UK, but if Mecca made the center of time, then the Muslims will be easier to perform daily prayers.

3. The Kaaba is the center of the heavens

Sky layer contained in the universe there are 7 layers, ranging from atmospheric layer closest to the earth until the outermost layer, a layer of sky that has a function that is different, but has the function untama similar and counteract all the bad effects that affected the Earth like a falling meteor, asteroid falling and many more.

If the Kaaba is the center of the earth, then automatically also the center of the heavens, so that if the line drawn perpendicularly from the Kaaba to the sky it will get the axis or center of the sky layer.

Now that some of the facts which lies the Kaaba in Mecca, we as Muslims should certainly be glad, because the house of God on earth (Ka'bah) is a relic of the largest and has many mysteries yet to be solved until now.


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