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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Traditional unique races native to Indonesia

Traditional unique races native to Indonesia

Indonesia was gan had loads of Culture and one culture in Indonesia is Racing - Traditional unique and original race of Indonesia, what gan race "Genuine in Indonesia".

Madura Bull Race

Karapan cow is a cow grandstand race originating from Madura, East Java, for most of the Madurese karapan cow is not only a party of the people or events held each year are inherited from generation to generation. But karapan cow for the people of Madura is a form of symbol of prestige that can raise the dignity of the people of Madura, because cattle used for beef cattle match the excellent quality of the special treatment as well.

Madura island is not only known as a producer of salt, but also a producer of beef cattle races are very good quality. Not infrequently the cattle owners prepare pacuannya cow by giving special massages and the food is not less than 80 eggs each day, so stamina and strength of the beef cattle maintained. Even the preferential treatment of the beef cattle in some homes that adorn it appears there is not a vehicle car garage but instead the cow that is the home's garage. Understandably due to the game-winning cows can reach a price of 75 million rupiah per tail.

In celebration karapan this cow, cow owners' self-esteem is at stake. If they can win the game, in addition to the prize money gained from betting are also usually present they get. If merkea lose this match, self-esteem and their owners fall out of money that does little to karapan this cow. Because the treatment of cattle - cows before the game is expensive, and usually they hired a shaman in order to keep the cows survived the attack spells their enemies.
Karapan big celebration is held 1x cow in a year, but to get to the final must meet several steps in advance. There are two kinds of celebrations karapan dimadura cow, the first is the President Cup and the Regent Cup. For Regent cup is usually held 2x a year, the winners of this cup regents will usually continue the game to the President of the cup, to the photographers a good moment is when the regents cup.
In the event karapan cow audience not only treated cow racing and agility of the jockey, but before the start of the owners usually do a ritual procession accompanied cow grandstand disekelilingi seronen musical instruments blend of musical instruments typical Madura thus making this event become more festive.

ong track races the cow is between 180 to 200 meters, which can be reached within 14 to 18 seconds. Certainly very fast pace cows - cows, other than shrewdness jockey bamboo is sometimes used to tread the jockey float in the air due to the rapid pace of the beef cow. To obtain and increase the pace of the cattle jockey, the base of the cows are fitted with a belt full of sharp spikes and the jockey whip whip also given the sharp thorns towards the buttocks cows. Of course, these injuries would make the cows run faster, but also cause sores around the rump of a cow. After playing the cows are given some time for the wound to heal, but the cows are dipertandingan dikarapan is only 2 to 3 x any given game and should not be more.
Distance winner difference is sometimes very thin, even less so only within 1 to 2 seconds, and it sometimes makes losers protest. But they are given the opportunity to compete again with the losing, and while happy for the winners. In addition to their prize, usually bets jg gifts they get. In addition to cattle prices soaring price may winners.

Race Makepung Buffalo in Jembrana Bali
Makepung which in Indonesian means romp, is a tradition in the form of runway buffalo race that has long been attached to the people of Bali, particularly in Jembrana. This tradition was originally just a game of farmers conducted on the sidelines of plowing the fields at harvest time. At that time, they were clashing quickly with spur buffalo that is attached to a cart and driven by a jockey.

The longer, the original fraudulent activity that is growing and increasingly in demand by many people. Now, Makepung has become one of the most interesting cultural attractions and watched by tourists including foreign tourists. Not only that, the race buffalo racing program has become an annual event in Bali and professionally managed.

Today, Makepung not only by farmers alone. Officials and businessmen of the city too much to be participants and supporters. Moreover, in a big fight, Governor Cup for example, participants who attended Makepung could reach about 300 pairs of buffaloes or even more. The atmosphere becomes very lively with the presence of musicians jegog (Balinese gamelan made of bamboo) to enliven the atmosphere of the race.

When it began to be contested in the 1970s, the rules and the completeness of the Makepung participate undergone some changes. For example, a buffalo that had only one, now a pair. Then, cikar or carts for jockey who was once large, now replaced with a smaller one. Buffalo participant Makepung, now more 'fashionable' in the presence of various kinds of ornaments in the form of a crown mounted buffalo head and a green or red flag in each cikar. Meanwhile, the ground track arena Makepung be U-shaped, round 1-2 km.
In contrast to Kerapan Madura cow or other event that is race, Makepung have rules a little unique. The winner of this race is not only determined from whom or where the buffalo couples who managed to reach the finish line first course, but determined also on the distance between those competing. That is, a participant will be deemed the winner when he was at the forefront when it reaches the finish and was able to keep the distance with the participants in tow, as far as 10 m.

When it began to be contested in the 1970s, the rules and the completeness of the Makepung participate undergone some changes. For example, a buffalo that had only one, now a pair. Then, cikar or carts for jockey who was once large, now replaced with a smaller one. Buffalo participant Makepung, now more 'fashionable' to adaNamun, when a pair of buffalo that are behind can narrow the distance with participants in future, be less than 10 m, then the pair of buffalo in the back that will come out as winners. The race finished in a matter of eight to ten minutes in each race her.

Pacu Jawi, Cow Race of Land Minangin the Land of Minang Pacu Jawi or called Runway cow is one cultural event that is now very well known from West Sumatra. initially Pacu Jawi This activity is carried out by farmers and communities around Tanah Datar activities to fill the time after harvest. Pacu Jawi is usually held three times a year Tanah Datar. if you do not know many who thought Pacu Jawi in Madura, as it is known for the cow race is just the Madura region similar but not the same.Her various kinds of ornaments in the form of a crown mounted buffalo head and a green or red flag in each cikar. Meanwhile, the ground track arena Makepung be U-shaped, round 1-2 km.
In contrast to Kerapan Madura cow or other event that is race, Makepung have rules a little unique. The winner of this race is not only determined from whom or where the buffalo couples who managed to reach the finish line first course, but determined also on the distance between those competing. That is, a participant will be deemed the winner when he was at the forefront when it reaches the finish and was able to keep the distance with the participants in tow, as far as 10 m.

striking differences of Pacu Jawi in Tanah Datar with Madura Bull Race is land used, if Bull Race using flat ground as the arena while the Pacu Jawi use already wet paddy fields. so that when photographed look more dramatic and get a lot of great moments. The philosophy of Pacu Jawi is the leader and the people can walk together. This is why the cow is used for runway Jawi there are two tails, and the winner is not determined who's the fastest but who can run straight as a straight person who always higher street value. Pacu Jawi unique detachable mounted alone and not the opponent, supposedly made in this way in order to avoid a bet that often occurs in every race.

Pacu Jawi originally pure entertainment for the farmers after the harvest and it is this which makes runway ox interesting, lively, and different. Jockey equipped with a plow runway made of bamboo as a stand when the race begins. and turns the tool is one of the tools used by farmers to plow fields. because of its uniqueness Pacu Jawi has now become one of the characteristics of West Sumatra in Tanah Datar and Fifty Cities.

source page <web>
Photography and Text by Barry Kusuma (English) (Indonesia) @barrykusuma

Sunday, January 10, 2016



- The world is full of mysteries. We will never guess what we could find in the earth full of hidden objects or whatever it was beyond our expectations. Life is a cycle that continues to spin. Today's technological sophistication is the regeneration of technological past. But many discoveries of archaeological objects unsolved mysteries.
As 6 discovery Mysterious Indonesia below, some will show that these objects it ever existed in the past.   

1. Mysterious stone In NTT

6, discovery, Mysterious, In, Indonesia
This mysterious stone found by alm. Castilo in 1992 in Bukit Nitnai. At the location of the discovery of the stone there are three black dots form a triangle. One point to the other is about 3-4 meters which according to him was a landed UFO. Small shaped stone the size of two fists contains a magnet and is also suspected to contain radioactive.

According to local residents between the 80s until the 90s often seen lots of bright lights with a length between 1 meter hanging in the trees on the hill. Though there is no electricity in the area. Then by people around the hill called the Mount of Satan.

2. Mysterious Cave in the RS. Kariadi

6, discovery, Mysterious, In, Indonesia
An ancient bunker discovered accidentally by workers at Project Waste Installation (IPAL) in Hospital Kariadi, Semarang.

Ancient buildings are expected relic of the Netherlands has a length of 5.2 meters, 2 meters wide and 3 meters high.

According to publicist RS. Kariadi, workers find while digging the bottom of the hill before the place is a dump. The workers continued to find out because there is still a heap of soil about 70 centimeters    

3. Framework in Situbondo, East Java

6, discovery, Mysterious, In, Indonesia

Digalian soil depth of about 1 meter dozens of bones were scattered and some are still buried in the land. However, because the hoes workers have broken bones and no longer intact. curious citizens who dig around the place of discovery and re-discovered the bones - bones that had been fragile. Bones - brittle bones 

diperkirankan is one of the victims of the massacre of tens of years ago and predicted many bones - bones are still buried. Due to this incident shift workers digging the soil about 10m from the scene.

4. The discovery of the Mysterious Inscriptions In Surabaya
6, discovery, Mysterious, In, Indonesia

The building is found one of the workers when they wanted merenofasi old buildings in Surabaya, East Java. When a worker digging hoe hit a chunk of tombstone inscriptions of ancient embedded approximately half a meter deep.

This inscription is estimated hundreds of years because of its location not far from the figures propagator of Islam during that sunan cauliflower majapahit sacred citizens, even this discovery alarmed residents about Dutch heritage building is scheduled to be dismantled to be used as a bank building.
5. hallway Mistterius In Bandung
6, discovery, Mysterious, In, Indonesia
Next is the discovery of mysterious tomb disebuah Dutch heritage buildings. The building is found one of the workers when they wanted merenofasi old buildings in Surabaya, East Java. When a worker digging hoe hit a chunk of tombstone inscriptions of ancient embedded approximately half a meter deep.
This inscription is estimated hundreds of years because of its location not far from the figures propagator of Islam during that sunan cauliflower majapahit sacred citizens, even this discovery alarmed residents about Dutch heritage building is scheduled to be dismantled to be used as a bank building.

6. Giant Footprints in Ciamis, West Java

6, discovery, Mysterious, In, Indonesia

January 2012 and found giant footprints and electrify citizens babakan sari ciamis western Java. Even discoveries continue to be visited by people who are curious about this mysterious trail.
At first glance mysterious footprints is shaped like a human foot but its larger size reaches 40 cm in length with a width of 20 cm and a depth of 1 cm to 3 cm. This mysterious footprints were first discovered by a woman who wants to find grass.
Having traced the footprints into the woods turns out that more and more. Some residents believe that these footprints footprints Buto Ijo. But not a few who believe the footprints ni deliberately made by humans. Although it has been investigated has not been established what and where it originated giant footprints.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Potential Resources Mine in Indonesia

Potential Resources Mine in Indonesia

Consider the circumstances surrounding the shelter each of you! What are the potential mineral resources in Indonesia? Are there any mining activities conducted by residents around where you live? Mining activities are generally conducted by them? Indonesia is one country in the world that is rich in minerals. Various materials are available to meet the needs of mining in the country and abroad. Mining activity has generated a lot of foreign exchange for Indonesia. How big is the potential of mining in Indonesia? Where are the type and location of mining in Indonesia? To answer this question, consider the following map.

Peta Persebaran hasil tambang di Indonesia (klik untuk memperbesar gambar)
Distribution Map dai results mines in Indonesia
(click to enlarge map)

a. Oil and Gas

Oil and gas is the primary energy source that is currently widely used for industrial purposes, transportation, and households. Currently it has developed alternative energy sources such as bioenergy from several types of plants and other sources of energy, such as solar energy, wind, and waves. However, the production of energy from alternative energy sources are still limited in number.
Skema gambaran proses Pengeboran minyak bumi
Scheme overview petroleum drilling process
Tambang minyak bumi yang terdapat di Pulau Seram
Mine oil contained in Ceram
Indonesia's oil reserves continues to decrease with the extraction or exploitation continues. Some experts predict that within 14 years, the oil reserves will be exhausted and Indonesia are forced to buy or import from other countries. It will not happen if found new reserves are still large. Indonesia's oil reserves expected to remain fairly large. As for the distribution of oil on a number of islands in Indonesia can be seen in the following table.
Tabrl Daerah Penghasil Minyak Bumi di Indonesia
Tabrl Petroleum Producing Regions in Indonesia

Insights Online Library

The first oil production in Indonesia is in Majalengka, West Java. Drilling was conducted by the Dutch named J. Reerink in 1871. Drilling was conducted with the help of oxen and produce 6,000 liters of petroleum.

b. Coal

Coal is a sedimentary rock formed from the remains of plants that have died and settles for millions of years ago. The elements of which it is composed mainly of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

Coal is used as an energy source for a variety of purposes. The energy produced by coal
can be used for power generation, for domestic use (cooking), burning at industrial brick or tile, cement, limestone, iron ore and steel, chemical industry, and others.
sebuah truck mengumpulkan batu bara yang terbentuk dari sisa tumbuhan yang telah mati dan mengendap selama jutaan tahun yang lalu
Activities in coal mines
Indonesia's coal reserves of only 0.5% of the world's coal reserves. However, judging from the production, Indonesia's coal reserves is the 6th largest in the world with a total production reached 246 million tons. Coal can be found on many islands, namely Borneo and Sumatra. Coal potential in the two islands are very large.

Online Library Info

Where is the first coal mining in Indonesia? Sebelimbingan New Town area on the island Luat was the first regional coal mining in Indonesia before in Ombilin, Sumatra. Currently, Indonesia is one of the largest coal exporter in the world.
Coal mining in Kalimantan located in East Kalimantan (Berau River Basin and the Samarinda), West Sumatra (Ombilin and Sawahlunto), South Sumatra (Bukit Asam and Tanjung Enim).
Daerah sebaran penambangan batu bara di Indonesia
Regional distribution of coal mining in

c. Bauxite

Bauxite is the main source of ore to produce aluminum. Useful bauxite for industrial metals, chemical, and matulergi. Indonesia has the potential for a sizeable bauxite production reached 1.26271 million tons. The majority of mining bauxite used for domestic industries and partly exported. Bauxite is mined in Riau (Bintan) and West Kalimantan (Singkawang).
Daerah sebaran penambangan bauksit
Regional distribution of bauxite mining

d. Iron sand

Iron sand used for ferrous metal industry and the cement industry. Iron sand mining activities can be found in Cilacap (Central Java), Sumatra, Lombok, Yogyakarta, Mount Upright (Lampung), Mountains Verbeek (South Sulawesi), and sebuku (South Kalimantan).
Potensi dan sebaran pasir besi di Indonesia
Potential and distribution of iron ore in Indonesia

e. Gold

Gold is generally used for jewelry. Based on data from the EMR tekMIRA, Indonesian gold production in 2003 reached 141 019 tonnes. Gold among others mined in West Java (Cikotok and Pongkor), Papua (Freeport, Timika), West Kalimantan (Sambas), Aceh (Meulaboh), North Sulawesi (Bolaang Mongondow, Minahasa), Riau (Logos), and Bengkulu (Rejang Lebong).
Potensi dan sebaran emas di Indonesia
Potential and distribution of gold in Indonesia

f. Lead

Tin is used as raw material for metal coatings, solder, souvenirs, and others. Tin mining activities contained in Sungai Liat (Bangka), Manggara (Belitung Island), and Dabo (Singkep) and Karimun Island.
Sebaran potensi timah di Indonesia
The distribution of potential lead-in

g. Copper

Copper widely used in the electrical equipment industry, the construction industry, aircraft, ships, roof, plumbing, home decor, agricultural machinery, regulating the temperature of the room, and others. Contained copper mining activities in Papua by PT. Freeport.
Sebaran potensi tembaga di Indonesia
The distribution of the potential of copper in Indonesia

h. Nickel

Nickel is a metal alloy material that is widely used in the metal industry. Nickel is mined in the area Sorowako, Southeast Sulawesi. Other areas which have the potential of nickel is Papua and Maluku.
Sebaran potensi nikel di Indonesia
The distribution of nickel potential in Indonesia

i. Asphalt

Asphalt is used as the main material for making roads. Asphalt is mined on the island of Buton, Southeast Sulawesi.
Sebaran potensi aspal di Indonesia
The distribution of potential asphalt in Indonesia

j. Mangan

Manganese is widely used for the manufacture of steel, the manufacture of dry batteries, ceramics, glass, and so on. Manganese is mined in the area of ​​Tasikmalaya (West Java), Kiripan (Yogyakarta), and Martapura (South Kalimantan).
Sebaran potensi mangan di Indonesia
The distribution of the potential of manganese in Indonesia

k. Sulfur

Sulfur is found in Mount Welirang, and Patuha East Java, West Java.
Sebaran potensi belerang di Indonesia
Potential distribution of sulfur in Indonesia

l. Marble

Marble formed by metamorphic limestone or limestone. Temperature and pressure of work on the limestone due to endogenous energy or energy from the earth. Marble is widely used for sculpture, sculpture, table, wall, floor of the house, and others. Marble mined in Tulungagung (East Java), Lampung and Makassar.
Sebaran potensi marmer di Indonesia
Marble potential distribution in Indonesia


Iodine is used as the main raw material for the drug solution in alcohol, health, herbicides, disinfectants industry, and is used in salt to make it healthier. Iodine mined in Semarang (Central Java) and Mojokerto (East Java).
Sebaran potensi yodium di Indonesia
The distribution of potential iodine in Indonesia
Other online learning article: Natural Indonesia known to be very beautiful and rich in natural resources Natural resources are not evenly distributed and limited in number. In fulfillment of the need for natural resources, humans are faced with limitations or scarcity. Scarcity describe human needs are increasingly faced with meeting the needs of the tool in the form of goods and services are limited. This problem occurs because of limited natural resources in an area. Efforts should be made to overcome the scarcity of natural resources available in the region is to bring in goods or services from other areas. Another attempt to overcome the scarcity is to utilize the available resources effectively and efficiently.
