Saturday, November 28, 2015

Impact of Gas Balloon For Marine Ecosystems


Impact of Gas Balloon For Marine Ecosystems
Impact of Gas Balloon For Marine Ecosystems
Impact of Gas Balloon For Marine Ecosystems
Bobo Online  - The ocean has donated all its benefits to us. Fish for food, transportation lines, natural energy sources, and various other benefits. Of course as a reward, we are in charge of caring for the sea so always enjoy the sea donations for survival.  
Where the end of the balloon is released into the air?
  Helium balloons were released into the air will fly as high as possible up to the capacity limit until he finally broke and fell back to the ground or water. So, what to do with the balloon off the ocean? Balloons fly into space will go back to the land or sea into the trash that proved threatening wildlife in the wild, especially marine animals.  
  Gas balloon   made ​​of rubber or latex which is difficult to decompose, becoming trash littering the earth for years.  
Balloon trash-Combine
Garbage Balloons At Sea; Source:
Endangers Wildlife
  Researchers from the Organization of Clean Virginia Waterways, Longwood University, USA found the rubber balloon in the stomach turtle. According to their research, the turtle wrong   
Turtle Found in Stomach balloon; Source:
thought balloons floating is their natural food, the jellyfish. In addition to the belly of the turtle, the researchers also found the balloon inside the stomach of dolphins, whales, fish, and various types of sea birds.  
  According to their research, the rubber balloon trapped in the stomach causing damage to the digestive turtle turtle. Balloon that will impede the flow of ingested food that slows the process of food digestion. Turtle then sick and eventually die.  
  It was also found cases of dead birds tebelit balloon ribbons.
Balloons twisted ribbon Bird; Source:
Movement Anti-Balloon Release
  Already there are social movements that anti-environmentalists such organizations balloon release  (USA) and the Marine Conservation Society (UK). Also, there are some countries that prohibit the release of balloons in a series of events, such as in Florida, California, UK (City of Plymouth), Queensland-Australia, and New York.     
  Gas balloon release event is nice, but if even endanger our environment, should not we do other activities that are more environmentally friendly? For example by jointly making art crafts from recycled goods.
Followup Ways to Save Marine Ecosystems
  The trick is easy, lo. If from now we do not release gas balloons into the air, means that we are involved in the effort to save marine wildlife conservation. Come on, tell people around you about the dangers of releasing gas into the air balloons. Because the balloon released to air = adds to the pollution of the sea.
  Come, celebrate National Maritime Day which falls on August 21 to participate in maintaining the cleanliness of the environment to create a nature conservation.
Floating Balloon fractions, suspected of jellyfish; Source:
Balloon garbage at Sea; Source:
Text: Cesita; Thumbnail Photo source:


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