According to archaeologists, the site of Mount Padang is older than civilization of Mesopotamia and the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, which has been believed to be the oldest civilization in the world.
Thus, the site of Mount Padang is older than civilization of Mesopotamia and the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, which has been believed to be the oldest civilization in the world. So if it is really proven true, it could change the map of the world civilization. Megalithic Monuments Mount Padang discovered in 1914 and is the biggest historical sites in Indonesia. According Hilman, a site that lies between the volcanoes, banana trees and tea plantations are located at an altitude of 885 meters above sea level. Hilman, senior geologist at the Research Center for Geotechnical Indonesia, said the debris site that became visible from the slopes mountain considered sacred by local people. Hilman sure that the site of Mount Padang was built to worship or astronomical purposes. According to the website of The Sydney Morning Herald, the excavation site of Mount Padang has received support from the Indonesian government that declared, the top of Mount Padang is the structure of megalithic largest in Southeast Asia. "People thought that prehistory is a primitive, but the monument is to prove them wrong, "said Hilman quoted Dream from the pages of the Daily Mail, Tuesday, April 8, 2015.
He believes the pyramid as this would be evidence of ancient civilizations that developed in Java." Most of the ancient sites of artificial man, probably built by the generation of several centuries before us, "he said." If it was built to worship, the people of this prehistoric certainly build it in a way to climb while piling stones as a pyramid. Stacking stones is an ancient way to build high-rise buildings, "he said. through carbon tests on some sort of stone attached with glue, Hilman discovered about 7,000 years old, or older than the Giza Pyramid 5,000 years old. However, the findings of this Hilman controversial debate. A total of 34 archaeologists and other Indonesian geologists have filed a petition criticizing the methods and motives behind the project. They say that the excavations threaten the preservation of the site. Expert volcanologist Sutikno Bronto believe that the structure is hidden behind Mount Padang was not a pyramid, but the neck of an old volcano. And the rocks studied were the result of natural formation is not cut by humans.
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