Monday, October 26, 2015

Modern Scientific Research About Pigs and danger

Modern Scientific Research About Pigs and danger

      Pigs are animals that greed is unmatched in eating other animals. He ate all the food in front of him. If the stomach is full or the food had run out, he will vomit the contents of his stomach and eat again, to satisfy greed. He will not stop eating. Consuming any dirt in front of him, whether human sewage, animal or plant, even eat their own dung, until there is nothing left to eat in front of him. Sometimes he urinated on stools and eat it back if it was in front of him ,. He ate garbage and animal feces. Pigs are the only mammals that feed on the ground, eat it in large quantities and for a long time if left unchecked. The skin of people who eat pork will emit a bad odor. Consumers often complain pork smell of urine on pork. Which, according to scientific research, it is because praeputium pigs are leaked, so the pig urine seeps into the meat, fat thick pig's back, pigs have back fat (backfat) is pretty thick. Consumers pigs often choose pork fat back thin, because the thin fat back, is considered the better the quality.

       The nature of backfat pigs are susceptible to oxidative rancidity, so that the chemical structure is not suitable for consumption. Pork because many contain fat, although soft and looks so delicious, but it is very difficult to digest. In addition, pork causes many diseases: hardening of the artery, increasing blood pressure, chest pain that gripped (angina pectoris), and inflammation of the joints. Modern scientific research in the two countries East & West, namely China and Sweden. China (predominantly pagan) and Sweden (predominantly secular) states: "Pork is a major cause of cancer of the anus and colon." The percentage of patients with this disease in the country where eating pork, increased dramatically, especially in European countries, and America, as well as in Asian countries (such as China and India). Meanwhile in Islamic countries, the percentage is very low, about 1/1000. The results of this study published in 1986, the Annual World Conference on Tools Digestive Diseases, held in Sao Paulo. Swine many contain parasites, bacteria, viruses and even dangerous, so to say as Reservoir Diseases. Because of swine, avian influenza virus so virulent. Normal AI virus (strains H1N1 and H2N1) will not be transmitted directly to humans. AI virus died with the 60 ° C warming more so when cooked until boiling. If there is a pig, then the body of a pig, the virus AI can perform mutation and virulence levels could rise up to be H5N1. AI virus strain H5N1 can be transmitted to humans. The H5N1 virus is the 1968 attack Hongkong and kills 700,000 people (named the Hong Kong flu).

      Around 2001 never happened American doctors succeeded in removing the worms growing in the brain of a woman, after some time experience health problems that he felt after eating the typical food of Mexico's famous form of pork. The woman insists that she felt tired (fatigue) for 3 weeks after eating pork. Worm eggs are attached to the intestinal wall in the body of the woman, then moves along with blood circulation to the end, ie the brain. And when the worm that reaches the brain, it causes a mild illness in the beginning, until finally dead and can not get out thereof. This causes dis-function very hard on the composition of the organs in the area surrounding the worm in the brain. Diseases "tapeworm" is a very dangerous disease that occurs through the consumption of pork. It develops in the intestine 12 fingers in the human body, and a few months the worms will be grown.

     The number of tapeworm can reach around "1000 tails with a length of between 4-10 meters", and continue to live in the human body and pulled her eggs through bowel movements ( bowel movements). Islam has banned all kinds of blood, chemical analysis of the blood showed a high content of uric acid (gout), a chemical compound that is harmful to human health, are toxic. In other words, garbage in the blood uric acid formed by metabolism that is not perfect due to the urine content in the food. In humans, these compounds are released as dirt, and 98% of uric acid in the body, are removed from the blood by the kidneys and excreted out of the body through urine.

      In Islam known special procedures in the slaughter of animals, which is the name of Allah the Almighty and create a slice cut neck veins animals, while leaving the veins and other organs intact. In this way caused the death of the animal due to loss of blood from the body, rather than an injury to any vital organ, because if organs such as heart, liver, or brain damaged, the animal could die immediately and its blood will clot in the veins and eventually contaminate meat , resulting in the animal meat to be contaminated by uric acid, making it toxic (and in those days was the food experts now realize this). Then, if we know that a pig can not be slaughtered at the neck? because they do not have a neck, according to its natural anatomy If the pig was to be slaughtered and fit for human consumption the Creator would have provided it with a neck. The medical science finds that a pig as a host for many parasites and potential diseases, biochemistry pig excretes only 2% of the entire content of uric acidnya, while 98% is stored in the body.  

    There was an article that said: "That someone is behaving according to what he ate." A professor of IPB has researched the structure of pig DNA. Something surprising it turns out, the pig gene structure similar to the structure of human genes.


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