Monday, October 26, 2015

1,500 Year-Old Gospel was Concealed Because There Name of Prophet Muhammad

1,500 Year-Old Gospel was Concealed Because There Name of Prophet Muhammad

1,500 Year-Old Gospel Concealed Because the name of the Prophet Muhammad
Copies of the Bible 1,500 years old recovered at a church in Turkey after 12 years disappeared. In the gospels, they mentioned the news about the mission of the Prophet Muhammad as a prophet Isa al-Masih as. Fars News (28/2) reports, the Bible was talk of Turkey and in it mentioned on the news mission of the Prophet Muhammad. 
The book was found 12 years ago but is hidden. The discovery of the book attracted the attention of the Vatican and Pope Benedict XVI instructed the analysis of the book. Ertugrul Gunay, Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey stated that the Bible is valued at 22 million dollars and given the book was offensive mission of the Prophet Muhammad, then its existence is hidden by the church of Turkey. He added, "What is written in the book aged 1500 years it has much in common with those contained in the Koran and the content in accordance with the Islamic faith. In the Gospel Jesus says," Christ was asked by a rabbi about his successor and answer; his name is Muhammad [SAW] of paternal Arabs Ismail.
  "Gunay also confirmed the request of the Pope for the analysis of the Bible is saying," The book was found in 2000 in the Mediterranean island, Turkey, and the inventors are the hunters historic relics illegally who is currently on trial in a Turkish court. "Pastor Ehsan Uzbek, a Turkish Christian leaders said," The book is back to the era Bernaba and writing done in the 5-6 century AD, while Bernaba lived in the first century AD and is one hawariyun Prophet Isa. "But a university lecturer Turkey, Omar Faruk said," The research will prove the real age of the book and whether it was written by Bernaba or his followers. "


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