Saturday, October 10, 2015

Three General of NATO Military Strength Talk RI

Three General of NATO Military Strength Talk RI

Jakarta - Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu several times in a speech attended by Republika Online, very proud of the Homeland defense forces. The defense force is not only about defense equipment as well as the ability of the military special forces alone, but also encompass the spirit of the Indonesian people to defend the nation.
With a population of 250 million people, according to the former Army Chief of Staff, there is no single country that dared to disturb Indonesia. He called, capital strength is not only the large number of people, but a strong power of all elements of the nation be ready to defend the country.
"I conveyed to the President, 250 million inhabitants, 100 million only if we rise up and ready to die, no one is able to fight us," said Ryamizard. Nevertheless, he still asks all citizens of Indonesia promote the spirit of defending the country.
Ryamizard admit, the Indonesian military forces not only on the sophistication of defense equipment, but also human resources. "Man behind the gun. It's not about defense equipment, "he said.
According to him, the defense component of the state capital for Indonesia to continue to stand up in the face of all threats. "Strength was determined men. Sophisticated defense equipment also depends on the person. Singapore was alutsistanya not quite put there until entrusted to New Zealand, Australia. The garage is empty, but the important thing filled his soul, "said the former commander of the Army Strategic Reserve Command.
The combined military forces and reserve components are ready to be moved if the sovereignty of Indonesia threatened it had been the main strength of Indonesia in the face of outside threats. The strength of that, said Ryamizard, which makes NATO's three retired generals in a dialogue with students of the University of Dallas, USA, talking about 'hidden forces' which this country.
Here's the full conversation Ryamizard proud of the event:
TV talk show on ABC 13 Texas in collaboration with the University of Dallas, Texas. Talk show attended by Gen. (ret) Mike Jackson (the leader of the British troops when invaded Iraq), Gen (r) Tommy Franks (leader of Delta Forces when Operation Desert Storm), General (Ret) Peter Pace (former General US Marine and Joint Chiefs of Staff US ) as well as students of the University of Dallas.
There is a student of the University of Dallas asked about the placement of Marine USA in Australia. Then the answer from the General quite astonishing for all audiences ...
Asked: "Does the placement of US MARINE indicated there would be an attack USA to Indonesia someday?"
General Peter Pace: "Currently there are three major powers MARINES world, and Indonesia is in a position to 3."
"The placement of US MARINE only for regional stability in East Asia, do not dream USA plans to invade Indonesia, although the USA-led NATO. It never occurred to the leader of the USA to invade Indonesia. "
ABC TV presenter 13, Hannah, adding the question: "USA never involved in the conflict in the Far East Asian region, why Indonesia is so taken into account?"
Gen. Tommy Franks: "We never had a bitter experience in Vietnam and Korea, and all the leaders of the USA aware of who is behind the two Asian countries that were involved in the conflict with us." "Indonesia is a teacher for Vietnam and North Korea while fighting against the USA."
General Peter Pace: "We often practiced with Indonesia. We are aware of how the ability of the Indonesian special forces, our troops are often overwhelmed in every war exercises with Indonesia. "
Gen. Tommy Franks: "When the operation to free hostages in a hijacked plane in Bangkok Thailand, Delta Force to monitor the operation. The operation was successful and very effective. "" The other thing that is not owned by the forces of other countries, you will be surprised to find a subject that would be obtained in any military elite education, namely education guerrilla. "
General Mike Jackson: "The doctrine of the Indonesian military has been used in several countries in Asia and even Africa because Indonesia was asked to train some Asian and African countries."
"Although Indonesia is a shortage of weapons, may not easily conquered Indonesia because if war happens not only military g ya go to war but its people also certainly helped to finish off your opponent."
"SAS has never felt when dealing with alliance Indonesian army and the people of Indonesia. So do not ever think of light with Indonesia, "said Gen. Mike Jackson.
A student also asked about the strength of Asia in the eyes of the International Military ... What is their answer? Indonesia once again be in the spotlight.
General Mike Jackson: "Indonesia in the near future will be a country where the military is very large and difficult unchallenged."
General Peter Pace: "Indonesia has it all and if that diopersionalkan Indonesia will surpass India and China in the development of the military."
Gen. Tommy Franks: "As someone who once led special forces, I know many secrets of military techniques are not shown in joint war games."
"There is an Indonesian special forces were rarely held a joint exercise that AU. AU Indonesian special forces are the only forces with qualification paskhas Air Force in Asia and said the most complete in the world. "
"If today many countries, especially the members of the NATO military conduct trade relations with Indonesia, it is a correct policy, because otherwise it will endanger the position of NATO in Asia, because Indonesia has a concept of the Non-Aligned."
"In the future I expect no sanctions or an arms embargo on Indonesia, because it can lead to insecurity in the Asian region."


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