Tuesday, October 13, 2015

6 indo people


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6 Characteristics of Human Indonesia According to the writer of the We, (the late) Mochtar Lubis (For Material Reflection, reflection and introspection) Olina wr wb After seeing a phenomenon on stage Politics, both national and regional, as well as fighting the Members of the Board Dear, the candidates or Cagub, KPK and the police seizure case, Case Century, Hambalang etc., reminds me back with criticism Spicy our Great writers, the late Mochtar Lubis in which one of the interesting books of that era around the 1980s is the Man Indonesia. THAT is said this book was born from a culture lecture delivered orally in 1977. Of course not all delivered by Mochtar Lubis is true, but not all too wrong. It was said, at the time this speech was so crowded discussed. We as identified by this paper, which is certainly a lot of pros and cons. At least signikal style Mochtar contains the truth and being criticized for the nation to be more reflective, especially being a mirror for the leader, Lecture culture titled "Indonesian Man" presented by Mochtar Lubis in Jakarta Arts Institute (IKJ) on 6 April 1977 and recorded with the title "Humans Indonesia" by Obor Indonesia in 2001 is still actual until now, the task of every educator in this country to reverse the condition becomes better and dignified in the eyes of the world and civilization respecting the ethical and moral values. In the Indonesian Human Book tells the properties inherent in humans Indonesia, said to be in 6 pieces of nature: first, a hypocrite or hypocritical. Second, reluctant to be responsible for his actions. Third, the attitude and behavior of the feudal. Fourth, still believe in superstitions. Fifth, artistic. Sixth, weak in character and character. In Indonesia Mochtar Lubis name has been known as an author and journalist. Since the days of the occupation he has been in the lighting field. He co-founded the news agency AFP, later founded and led the Indonesia Raya newspaper that has been banned. He founded the literary magazine Horizon together his friends. At the time of Sukarno's regime, he was jailed nearly nine years and released in 1966. And he often received awards for karyakarya he wrote. Indeed, until now academics-especially from the field of sociology and antropologi- find it quite difficult to give a man the characteristics typical of Indonesia. This is caused by the presence of various ethnic groups in Indonesia with its characteristics. However, the difficulty becomes meaningless for a Mochtar Lubis, a journalist and self-taught writer who just graduated Hollandsch Inlandsche School (HIS). People in Indonesia: A charge person (hereinafter Human Indonesia), at a minimum, Mochtar Lubis had been 'able' to make a conclusion or even generalize the properties of Indonesia 130 million people at the time (at the time this book was published, 1977 /1978). Accountability Mochtar Lubis, may belatar back from the long journey and experience in and in the struggle of Indonesia during Dutch colonialism; Dai Nippon expansion, struggle for and defend the independence, the era of guided democracy, and the establishment of stakes solidarity spirit of the new order to the decrease in the spirit of togetherness and unity of the nation lately. In the long journey, Mochtar Lubis met with various people at once confronted and clashed with 'strength and great power' that is so he had blown for a while. With that background, then in Indonesia found nadanada Human cynical honest or may reveal what the human condition is universal and not only in Indonesia. Any charges made by Mochtar Lubis basically just a stereotype about the human condition generalized Indonesia. But the stereotype itself is not entirely true nor entirely false. Stereotypes are formed from the experience and observations so attached to humans Indonesia, although the sides are not true, stereotypes reinforced by prejudice and generalization. This book has been around since 1977, but why when the author reading and watching it really is quite relevant to the state of Indonesian society today. Whereas Muchtar Lubis himself also said in response to comments in the book about the subjectivity of thought, after receiving criticism from the father of psychology and enter Indonesia, Sarlito Wirawan, about the inability of the population of Indonesia which is essentially compound from various aspects. Added again by Sarlito Wirawan that the human personality profile of Indonesia expressed by Mochtar Lubis pengamatanpengamatannya only based on its own without constituted by such objective data contributing to the allegations did not give the real picture of exactly what percentage of Indonesian human is meant by Mochtar Lubis. If indeed the Indonesian Man is an expression of the reality of the human turns Indonesia is full of paradoxes that still unfathomable by anyone, including by Mochtar Lubis himself. Indonesian human characteristic feature according to Mochtar Lubis is: 1. First, Indonesia's first human traits is a hypocrite. Human traits Indonesia first by Mochtar Lubis is a hypocrite or hipokritis In the first feature is explained that hypocrisy is human nature Indonesia as an example, our country is led by manusiamanusia religious who wear symbols of religion in the name either (like the title) or clothing accessories, yet try to note that they found tempattempat prostitution either within or outside the city, and the worse they flourished like mushrooms. Pidatopidato of virtue and wisdom there dimanamana, spoken and heard, but corruption still rampant. Indonesia is also famous human being learned only within their own, if it came out of the country then they will soon seek satisfaction like going to nightclubs and prostitution. Manusiamanusia wearing a mask in order to find survivors themselves, using the principle of the boss attitude ABS (the boss happy), the use of the word father by Mochtar Lubis is not a word that matches the call to the boss who called the father of the son and the children were under the control of the father of the ruling full. That last is existing at the time of Mochtar Lubis namely the 1977 round, and now let us try to compare the current state of the Indonesian nation. Rasarasanya at some point does not change as it looks like a new corruption last few years meant intensively conducted kirakira long this nation also tangled problem of corruption in the country's caretaker. Perhaps that is what is different now is the existence of a night club in Indonesia's international standard so that the visitors no longer need to run out of the country to enjoy all the facilities that hedonic. Hypocrisy in humans Indonesia turned out at the present time has been spread out in various aspects, a lot if we look mulutmulut sweet promises, saying the opposite of what would be done, masks falsehood, like spreader goodness to look beyond that to be rotten and bad character therein. Just as Mochtar Lubis all this is just a stereotype, true or not really all just allegations, but reasoned. What is clear in our present society there are also those who are not hypocrites, they are not hypocrisy and there are those that are both outside and inside. 2. Secondly, other human traits are unwilling (reluctant or shy) is responsible for the deeds he had done. Then in the second characteristic is reluctant to be responsible for his actions, the words "not me" a rescuer said in the face of something that is not good or bad. Apart from the responsibility by saying "I just carry out the duties of superiors" is the most powerful defense of a mistake made. in Human Indonesia, Mochtar Lubis said corruption in Pertamina as an obvious example, at which time hundreds of millions of dollars of state money was corrupted, not to mention the violations that have been committed by Pertamina line starting from the CEO down to the bottom layer, but no one demanded. When viewed that wrack the body Pertamina has lasted so long, until some time ago all exposed, though not yet complete. 30 years means it Pertamina run all the dirty practices. Besides humans Indonesia if it receives something like mengangangkat degree awards and praise will be immediately accepted, though perhaps one target in the offering. Indonesian man according depicted by Mochtar Lubis would not hesitate to come forward to receive a star, applause, letters of praise, a plaque of appreciation, and so on. The second characteristic of this is already very sad what happened during the 1977 round. but if the author equated with the year 2009, seems this fact is not changed. Just look at the corruption of mutual blame, do not want to confess and throw pihakpihak responsibility to another, until it was found that the corruption running a "congregation", that would be written in some newspapers. 3. Third, Indonesia is a human characteristic feudal spirit. The third characteristic is the soul Feudal still embedded within the Indonesian Human fertile. It is said that the values ​​of Feudalism is a legacy of the countries kingdoms in antiquity in the archipelago, and then taken over by the colonizers, there are real independence revolution aims to eliminate feudalism that exist in human beings Indonesia. Sikapsikap feudal are destructive because a subordinate would assume they are higher than they are right in every action, lack bolehan in denial even though it's wrong is one of the evils of feudalism, but it also destroys human dignity as human beings who are equal with other human beings. as there is in today, where a subordinate is not polite if your boss reprimanded for the right reasons, is a form of feudalism, did not hear those voices that exist under the human voice is the real form of feudalism that occur in humans in Indonesia. Only the kingdom is already not the king Rajaraja again as a leader, but has been renamed to the president, ministers, generals, presidents and other directors. Obvious that feudalism hamper the process of human development because not arriving criticism of the leaders of the 2 things that subordinates reluctant to do so and leaders who do not want to hear a voice from below. 4. Fourth, the Indonesian people believe the things mystical (superstition) The fourth characteristic is Indonesia still superstitious man, seems to have lasted a long time all of this, no question about what happened in the 1977 round. Just try to see the present situation, broadcast television shows all kinds of magic, kuntilanak, jailangkung, pocong, genderuwo, and the action of the shaman-healer. Not to mention the added filmfilm cinema showing all sorts of evil-smelling title and spirits, and filmfilm big screen is made on the basis of market demand for the type of horror movie mystery. The latest of these is the story superstition dukundukun little that can cure any disease, they found the patient to tens of thousands of people a day. It was surprising indeed in a state that has been the modern world and dominated by science and technology as there are still those who do not expect miracles might be explained by the ratio. Trust in all sorts keramatkeramat also still exist in Indonesia, and the perpetrators are manusiamanusia qualified majority also said that educated. But in response the authors agree with Sarlito Wirawan, who said in a lecture taggapan against Mochtar Lubis, that of myth and mysticism is not the monopoly of human Indonesia alone, but an intrinsic human nature, which is to meet the need for security (security need). As long as humans are still not able to overcome the dangers and threats to the Traffic and penghetahuannya science itself, during which people will still be looking for protection against the myth and mystique. In the case of humans Indonesia Sarlito Wirawan said that the myths and mystique are more numerous in the "older generation". Because they do not receive a proper education, but because jasajasanya during the revolution so they have to fill important positions in government. By itself the capability and the knowledge that they belong to is not sufficient to hold that office, and they still feel less "secure" in their positions hold it, then run them to practice shamanic and mystical. Among the younger generation such as scholars or students, it appears that mystical practices were much reduced, although it can not be said to have disappeared altogether. Sarlito Wirawan confident with the development of science in our country, the myth and mystique will dwindle, so what was said by Sarlito Wirawan in response to human Indonesia Mochtar Lubis style. But it seems a statement of Sarlito Wirawan apparently missed, the reality in Indonesia even mystical semkin things emanating from the day-to-day, as shown by the advent klinikklinik "spiritual healing" (which for this writer is Suat modernization of shamanic practices using English under the name of "spiritual healing"). Plus psychology now has four of his school of transpersonal psychology in which to discuss human dimension including sprirtual halhal mystique. But in the true side of mistisme craze is not just a monopoly of Indonesian people alone but also in western societies with filmfilm smelling exorcism, vampire, Dracula, zombies, magic-magic like Harry Potter and others. It seems that all men may have started irrational longer, and enjoy it, which is possible due to fewer security can have on today's on most people take the path that lead to irrational to obtain the need for security. 5. Fifth, human traits Indonesia is the fifth characteristic of human artistic Indonesia is artistic, artistic, it is already visible from the rich local culture in Indonesia who in each region have their respective arts. Art is the result of the culture, so the Indonesian people do have the soul work and loves beauty. Not to mention discovered peninggalanpeninggalan ancient buildings, such as stunning candicandi, indicating that the Indonesian people have their own civilization. even days now Indonesia's music is said to have "colonized" neighboring country Malaysia, the presence of a form of boycott of the private radio station in Malaysia, because more often play songs artist of Indonesia compared to the songs of their own local artist. besides many original works of the nation that has been exported out of the country and most of it is karyakarya art. So if the problem of art this nation need not fear, as long as there are future generations to preserve the traditional arts will always maintained continuity. 6. Sixth, weak character. Indonesia human less strong in defending and fighting for faith and stance. It makes the human being Indonesia's rapidly changing principle, along with the pressure he got from outside himself. Mochtar Lubis said it is characterized by the existence of intellectual pelacuranpelacuran in many areas. Intellectual prostitution as an example is the manipulation of results is intended to maintain an other authority, such as a person's food experts say that is not dangerous to use a product from a particular manufacturer, whereas the products sold contain substances that are harmful to consume, but because it has given wage, then the expert The cover up the fact and say that there is nothing wrong with the product, so to say as intellectual prostitution. Which is happening now in the government is with the policies that are miserable people, experts are concerned in their respective fields not do anything though know in reality that the existing policy was wrong, so the experts can be said to be a prostitute intellect. Not the strong man in defending the truth will bring disrepute to the wider community, dikerenakan without truth then there is pembolak-turn that led to obscurity, so that there is a shifting of values ​​in the society towards the negative. This characteristic is indeed impressive sixth menjelekjelekkan own nation, but with all of this is not expected to be a form of hatred against the nation itself, but rather as a mirror in the act. While all the translation of Mochtar Lubis is subjective and does not represent, but it seems that there is truth in the observation think he has done. According to ST Sularto (in) had when in 1982 Mochtar Lubis asked to reflect back "Indonesian people", he firmly said no change. Getting worse. Suppose that the request was conveyed back, when Mochtar Lubis was dead (died July 2, 2004), surely he cried in the afterlife. Indonesian nation is not a nation that dwarf, not a weak nation, but a nation that has yet to show its fangs to the world. Expected in the future Indonesian man become a great nation, which stands the same height and the same sitting lower with other nations, although it was so there, but it's still a part of manusiamanusia Indonesia who do not feel the same way. Hopefully the writing is far from perfect and requires a lot of this criticism can be entered for saudarasaudara, temanteman, friend of fellow countrymen. Other characteristics, the Indonesian people are not saving, wasteful, and happy well dressed and partying. Indonesian people prefer not to work hard, unless forced. He wants to be a millionaire instantly, if necessary by falsifying or buy a college degree in order to rank. Indonesian human tend to be less patient, artisan grumble, and quickly envy. Easily pleased and proud of the things that is hollow. We are, according to Mochtar Lubis, also can be cruel, rampage, kill, betray, burn, and envy. Another bad nature is that we tend bermalasmalas due to our generous nature. My friend, Behind these shortcomings, but the Indonesian people is not bad all the time. There is also a good human nature in which humans Indonesia Indonesia was friendly, easy to laugh despite the bitter experience, helpful, peaceable, gentle heart, dear family, and bonding strength of a large family (extended family). In addition, the Indonesian people is easy to learn because it is an intelligent nation (see Indonesian student achievement in a variety of Olympic-education in the world), and quick learning skills. From the study of Mochtar Lubis, despite the controversy in which too menyerderhanakan (over simplification) because Indonesian culture is so complex, most are not many truths and values ​​that need to be observed leader. Leaders need to keep an eye on the characteristics mentioned themselves whether there is in us that needs to be fixed. On the other hand we are given insight into how to empower subordinates effectively through understanding of human Indonesia. Hopefully the social criticism of the late Mochtar Lubis bias spur all of us, especially those leaders everywhere to improve ourselves as much as possible so that this nation into a developed nation and good morals. May we and our descendants children kept away from the properties ugly as criticism Alm Mochtar Lubis above, and May God always keep us always having good and do good. YRA Aamiin Wallahualam bissawab Long live the Republic of Indonesia to 67, and Happy welcome Eid al Fitr 1433 Victory Day H. Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin, sorry Born and Batin. * Collected from various sources


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